The greenest and meanest

The European car industry is under pressure. Failure to comply with voluntary agreements that would reduce emissions from their engines has provoked the threat of European legislation. Fortunately for them, the EU has taken the feeble excuses of the car industry lying down (i.e. been walked over).

Now, if further evidence were needed, proof that the Asian car industry is pulling way ahead in the 'green' stakes, with the top twelve greenest cars in the world all being made by Asian companies.

Embarassingly, eight of the ten most polluting cars are European, even losing out to cars from America where even electric toothbrushes come equipped with V8 engines.

Whilst the argument from European manufacturers has been that legislation would limit competitiveness, it is for their own benefit that something is agreed upon so that they can narrow the gap in these green stakes.

Whether you choose to believe the science or not, climate change hype is dramatically changing companies' attitudes to marketing and PR. With the legislative reaction being one of higher taxation on polluters, sooner or later consumers will be forced to decide on products that are greener (and therefor cheaper). European manufacturers need targets, limits, at least something to make their vehicles competitive in the future globalised green car market.


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